2024 Baltimore C4 Convention Begins November 14, 2024

2024 C4 Convention

Tentative Schedule of Events
Thursday, November 14 – Saturday, November 16
Baltimore, Maryland

(All events, times, and rooms are subject to change. Please check the website for updates. Programs will be available at the C4 table in Baltimore)


Thursday 11/14/2024

3:00 pm C4 Study Group (Convention Center, room 304)
6:00 pm C4 Social (Sheraton, room TBD) C4 & EAC members

Tickets can be purchased at the C4 Table or the door for $30
This is the Zoom link for the following presentations on Thursday evening (Zoom link to follow; see the C4 website for details); the Zoom session will begin around 7:00 pm. The ID for the live Zoom event is (Information to follow).

7:00 pm Christopher R. McDowell, et al, C4 award presentations, donated books auction
7:45 pm Newman Lecture #1:  Emily Pearce Seigerman, “Accessing Numismatic Objects in Museums: The Yale University Art Gallery’s Numismatic Collection.”(Will be live-streamed)
8:45 pm Continuation of donated book auction // Donated lots auction
9:00 pm Newman Lecture #2:  Kevin Vinton, “Studies in Fugio Coppers.” (Will be live-streamed)

Friday 11/15/2024

8:00 am C4 Publications Committee meeting (Sheraton Orioles Grille)
2:00 pm Jim Glickman; “Collecting American Colonials” (Convention Center, room 304) 
3:00 pm C4 Study Group (Convention Center, room 304)
7:00 pm Colonial Happening, Sponsored by Stack’s Bowers Galleries: Happenings tables will include: 1) Vermonts, 2) Connecticuts, 3) Colonial Paper, and 4) New Jerseys  (details below)

Saturday 11/16/2024

8:00 am C4 Board of Directors (Board members only) (Convention Center, room 304)
9:30 am C4 Annual Business meeting – All welcome (Convention Center, room 304)
10:30 am Bruce Smith, “Continental Currency: The Paper Money That Funded Our American Revolution.” (Convention Center room, 304)




There will be Four Happening Events at this year’s C4 Convention, one each for 1) Vermont Coinage; 2) Colonial Currency; 3) Connecticut Coinage; and 4) New Jersey Coinage. These events will take place Friday evening starting at 7:00PM in Room TBD (check website or C4 table at the bourse) in the Sheraton Hotel in Baltimore. All C4 members are welcome to participate subject to available space. There will be approximately 10 chairs at each table, 1 table for each event, except for the New Jersey Happening which will have 2 tables. Members must contact the event leader of the Happening table of interest in advance to secure a seat at the table. It is first come, first serve. Food will be provided by the Club, coffee and water will be provided in the room, with other beverages available for purchase at the nearby bar. All four events will take place simultaneously so you must choose which one you want to be involved in. For security purposes, only those actively involved will be permitted in the room. Participants are asked to not bring extraneous numismatic items and to not leave their coins or paper money unattended. Participants agree to be responsible for their own items. The club is not responsible for your stuff!

Event #1: Vermont Coinage Happening. Table leader: Mark Vitunic, email: vitunic@verizon.net

This year we will be studying Vermont coppers with the 1787 date. Contrary to the coppers of Connecticut and New Jersey, for which this date is the most common, the 1787-dated coinage of Vermont is represented today by only 6 die varieties: RR-12, RR-13, RR-14, RR-15, RR-32, and RR-34. Comprising this short set are 3 of the most common … and 3 of the most rare. Additionally, three major “Red Book” design types are present: Bust Left, Bust Right, and Britannia. The year 1787 was the beginning of a “bridge period” so to speak, with the transition of coinage from Rupert to Machin’s Mills as well as from landscapes/bust lefts to bust rights. With die states and undertypes replete in these issues, there is hopefully something for everyone. Attendees are encouraged to bring as many examples of any of these varieties that they wish. One does not need to have all varieties to attend.

Event#2: Colonial Currency Happening. Table leader: Leo Shane, email: leo_j_shane@hotmail.com

The Happening will cover the following: A discussion of Signers, Printers, and Engravers of Colonial Currency. Who they were, What they accomplished, and How they contributed (or not) to the founding of Our Nation. It is suggested that attendees bring 3 notes associated with Colonial Currency Signers, Printers, or Engravers. Be prepared to give a 1-2 minute summary of your chosen individuals. So that we do not all pick the same signers, printers, and engravers, it is suggested that you email me your choices by October 30. Thank You.

Event#3: Connecticut Coinage Happening. Table leader: Christopher R. McDowell, email: crmcdowell@strausstroy.com

The Happening will cover the following:

1) Painted die varieties with an emphasis on Dr. Hall ink on edge pieces; however, other PDVs are welcome, particularly those that are unusual or unattributed. A primer on PDVs will be provided to participants.

2) Extremely light weight or heavy Connecticut coppers, bring your heaviest and lightest (without being holed, damaged, or cut) CT coppers.

3) Overstruck Connecticut coppers. Bring your best overstruck Connecticut coppers (3 max). Let’s see who has the best and most unusual specimen.

Event#4: New Jersey Coinage Happening. Table leader: Matt Virga, email: mvirga01@gmail.com (based on anticipated demand this will be a double table)

The Happening will cover the following:

1) Braided & brushed mane varieties (Maris 66-u, 66-v, 67-v) 

2) Specific dear head varieties (Maris 34-J, 34-v) w/emphasis on pedigreed examples and visible undertypes

3) There will be a period of time where if you would like to bring any variety of your choosing for show and tell, we will allocate time to share!

     You need not bring every variety to participate.