C4 Officers and Leadership

The C4 membership is divided into nine regions, each of which has a representative on the C4 Board. C4 officers are elected every two years. These are unpaid volunteers that work for the love of the hobby and for the enjoyment of others. The elected officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and nine Regional Vice Presidents. Non-elected officers are the C4 Newsletter Editor, The C4 Librarian, C4 Publications Chairman, C4 Education Chairman, C4 Exhibits Chairman, C4 Webmaster, and C4 Convention Chairman.

C4 National Officers

President – Christopher McDowell – President@colonialcoins.org

Vice-President – Jim Glickman –  VicePresident@colonialcoins.org

Treasurer – Christopher Pretsch –  Treasurer@colonialcoins.org

Secretary – Carol Wolf –  Secretary@colonialcoins.org

Librarian – Leo Shane –  Librarian@colonialcoins.org

Immediate Past President – Craig McDonald –   PastPresident@colonialcoins.org

C4 Newsletter Editorial Staff

Editor – Will Nipper –  Editor@colonialcoins.org

Assistant Editor – Mark Vitunic –  AssistEditor@ColonialCoins.org

C4 Regional Vice Presidents

Region 1 ( CT, NJ, Canadian Maritimes, Quebec )
Matt Virga –  Region1VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 2 ( MA, ME, NH, RI, VT )
Tom Gesner –  Region2VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 3 ( DE, MD, NY )
Dave Menchell –  Region3VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 4 ( DC, PA, TN, VA, WV )
Stan Stephens – Region4VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 5 ( AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, Puerto Rico )
George Fernandez –  Region5VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 6( IN, IL, OH, Ontario, Manitoba )
Bruce Smith –  Region6VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 7 ( IA, KS, MI, NE, ND, OK, SD, TX, WI )
Wayne Shelby –  Region7VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 8 ( AZ, CA, HI, ID, MO, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY, Mexico )
Chris Salmon –  Region8VP@colonialcoins.org

Region 9 ( AK, CO, MN, OR, WA, British Columbia, United Kingdom )
Bill Mitchell –  Region9VP@colonialcoins.org